About Us

Welcome To Leaf CleanTech

Keep it clean, keep it green

Leaf Cleantech is a technology company that operates in the larger space of clean technologies. We are based out of the technology hub of India - Bangalore. Our Mission is to provide sustainable clean solutions to address certain global challenges like shortage of food, depleting water sources and energy deficiency or dependency. The founding team at Leaf Cleantech comes from diverse backgrounds and has hands on experience in successfully establishing and managing few clean technology solutions for the Indian ecosystem.

With more than several man years of grounded reality, the team has a supreme understanding of the challenges and hurdles faced by the Indian industrial segment.

Leaf cleantech believes that with the experience of the founding team, understanding of the industries and the access to technology can help in making a difference to the clean technology space.

We take great pride in working closely with our partners – consumers, customers, co-developers, to design, develop and establish the best technology solutions. Our value proposition is in:


Our Service areas

Products and Technology

Leaf Cleantech develops products and technologies, leveraging its understanding of the industries

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Industries We Cater

Leaf Cleantech products and technology have variety of industrial applications.

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Research & Development

Our mantra is to develop new and novel technologies for enzyme applications.

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For any inquiries please Contact

+91 80 – 23452823