Food & Nutrition

Industries We Cater

Food & Nutrition

Food processing enzymes are used as food additives to modify food properties like digestibility, texture and shelf life. Other enzymes used in the food industry are for starch liquefaction, saccharification and isomerization reaction. Enzymes play a key role in milk production, cheese making, baking, wine making, juice making, brewing, and alcohol production. In food processing, animal or vegetable food proteins with better functional and nutritional properties are obtained by the enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins. LEAF's proprietary enzyme formulations cater to this industry.

Enzymes play a pivotal role in the food & nutrition industry due to their catalytic properties that facilitate various processes:

Food Processing

Enzymes are employed in food processing to enhance efficiency and quality. They aid in breaking down complex compounds like proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Improving Texture and Flavour

Enzymes such as proteases, lipases, and amylases contribute to modifying food texture, taste, and appearance, resulting in better-quality products.

Increasing Shelf Life

Some enzymes are used to extend the shelf life of food by inhibiting spoilage or delaying the degradation process.

Nutrient Enhancement

Enzymes are used to increase the availability and absorption of essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals, thereby enhancing the nutritional value of food.

Reducing Allergens

Enzymes assist in breaking down allergenic compounds in certain food items, potentially reducing allergenicity and making them safer for consumption by individuals with allergies.

Gluten Modification

Enzymes are utilized in gluten modification, creating gluten reduced or gluten-free products suitable for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.

Juice and Beverage Clarification

Enzymes like pectinases are used in the processing of fruit juices to improve clarity and yield.


Enzymes, particularly in the form of starter cultures or specific enzymes, are crucial in fermentation processes, aiding in the production of various fermented foods like cheese, yogurt, and bread.
In summary, enzymes are essential in the food & nutrition industry for enhancing food quality, improving nutritional aspects, and facilitating various processing methods to meet consumer demands.


Acid fungal protease


Neutral protease









Enzyme formulations customized to customers’ requirements

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